AMREF Flying Doctors is proud to be part of the team that is supporting the Government of Kenya in this vital work of transporting Covid-19 vaccines to various regions in the country.

On Thursday 04 March 2021, the Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Health and the National Coordinating Team, contracted the specialized AMREF Flying Doctors team to deliver Covid-19 vaccines to Mandera County. This happens two days after Kenya received over one million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine via the global COVAX facility.

“It is with delight we support the National Government through the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other stakeholders in creating awareness and building trust in the Covid-19 vaccine,” said AMREF Flying Doctor’s CEO, Stephen Gitau. “We are also supporting by educating our Maisha Air Ambulance Subscribers on the Facts, Myths and Misconceptions on the Covid-19 vaccines. This is to encourage people to get the vaccine as it becomes available to them.”

We have also ensured that citizens can conveniently access Covid-19 tests through our mother organization, AMREF Health Africa.

As AMREF Flying Doctors, we are honoured to be part of this unprecedented global vaccination campaign, as we work to provide Air Ambulance Evacuation services even to over 200 Covid-19 patients since May 2020.