A triple evacuation

a logistical masterpiece

AMREF Flying Doctors tell about three critical cases involving patients in Zanzibar, Djibouti and Tanzania

In the fast-paced world of aeromedical services, every mission is a testament to precision, adaptability, and above all, the commitment to saving lives. AMREF Flying Doctors (AFD), renowned for its dedication to providing safe and prompt clinical services across vast regions, faced a demanding challenge during a particularly busy January weekend in 2024.
With only two aircraft in operation due to servicing requirements, the team orchestrated the evacuation of three unwell patients with chest injuries, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, and spinal fractures, spanning Zanzibar to Italy, showcasing unparalleled expertise in both medical and operational realms.
The scenario unfolded with the first patient, a young female with rib fractures and minor pulmonary contusion in Zanzibar, requiring urgent evacuation to Germany. Despite the limited aircraft availability, AFD’s medical team swiftly dispatched to Zanzibar aboard the Pilatus PC-12, one of the versatile aircraft in their fleet known for its adaptability to various mission profiles.
Despite the limited aircraft availability, AFD’s medical team swiftly dispatched to Zanzibar aboard the Pilatus PC-12

After receiving the patient, they embarked on a journey to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a pilot crew change in Nairobi and a refuelling stop in Addis Ababa. The subsequent wing-to-wing transfer, meticulously organised by the operations team with a partner operator, facilitated the seamless handover of the patient for onward transportation to Germany.
A request from Djibouti
As the medical team completed the transfer in Jeddah, another urgent request surfaced – for a 76-year-old patient in Djibouti suffering from cardiogenic pulmonary oedema following an ST-elevation myocardial infarction. This critical case demanded noninvasive ventilation and inotropic support, necessitating prompt action. Simultaneously, a third request emerged for the evacuation of a spinal injury patient from Tanzania to Italy, further complicating the already dynamic situation.
With meticulous planning and agile decision-making, AFD’s operations team recalibrated pilot hours and orchestrated the next steps. The Citation XLS jet, another stalwart in their fleet renowned for its speed and long-range capabilities, was redirected to Jeddah for pilot rest, ensuring the crew’s readiness for the subsequent missions. Meanwhile, the medical team stationed in Jeddah prepared for the evacuation of the patient with pulmonary oedema in Djibouti.
Equipped with advanced medical equipment and expertise, they optimised the patient’s condition and safely transferred them to Addis Ababa, ensuring continuous high-flow oxygenation and cardiovascular support throughout the journey.
This remarkable feat exemplifies AMREF Flying Doctors’ unwavering mission to provide exceptional clinical services, even in the face of adversity
A journey to Tanzania
Meanwhile, as per the operational plan, one pilot remained in Addis Ababa for rest, while the rest of the team departed for Nairobi aboard the PC-12. Upon arrival, the crew change took place, and the aircraft immediately embarked on the journey to Tanzania to retrieve the spinal injury patient.
The Pilatus PC-12, renowned for its versatility and short take-off and landing capabilities, proved instrumental in accessing remote and challenging airstrips, ensuring timely evacuation of the patient with utmost safety and efficiency. After a pilot change in Addis Ababa, the journey continued to Jeddah, where the patient was seamlessly transferred to the rested crew of the Citation XLS jet for the final leg of the journey to Italy.
Unwavering dedication
Throughout this intricate operation, AMREF Flying Doctors demonstrated unwavering dedication and proficiency in organising flight plans, ensuring safety compliance, and minimising delays to evacuate three critically ill patients within a tight timeframe. Despite the temporary reduction in aircraft capacity, the collective efforts of the medical and operations teams underscored AFD’s commitment to excellence and its ability to navigate complex challenges with precision and compassion.
This remarkable feat exemplifies AMREF Flying Doctors’ unwavering mission to provide exceptional clinical services, even in the face of adversity. By leveraging expertise, innovation, and collaboration, AMREF Flying Doctors continues to set a benchmark in aeromedical care, saving lives and making a difference across continents.
As AFD continue to expand their fleet and operational capabilities, AMREF Flying Doctors remains at the forefront of aeromedical services, ensuring that patients receive the care they need, wherever they may be, with unwavering dedication and compassion.


Shortly after the first contact, AFD was able to confirm that the patient held valid insurance and coverage and started making arrangements for the patient to be transported in a more adequate facility. It was determined that a transport to Nairobi, Kenya, was the best option for better medical access, as well as for organising the patient’s repatriation home. Quotes for the evacuation to Nairobi via Air Ambulance were obtained and the flight done by the AFD Team was confirmed for the following day at first light, as Arusha Airstrip is a daylight operation only.

Whilst AMREF Flying Doctor’s aircraft was on the way to Arusha, the hospital bill was settled, and the patient was prepared for transport. Upon arrival, AFD’s team picked up the patient from the hospital as per AFD’s policy of bed-to-bed-service, to assure seamless treatment and monitoring throughout the transfer.

As Nairobi had not been a planned destination for the patient or his wife, AMREF Flying Doctor’s team assisted with several services, such as placing a payment guarantee at the hospital, obtaining a phone SIM card for the patient’s wife, and arranging a hotel for her near to her husband’s hospital.

The patient remained in hospital for 24 days, during which he underwent various tests and investigations, had a surgical intervention for the fractures, and underwent physiotherapy. AFD’s medical team continued to monitor his progress, and when the patient was eventually declared fit to fly on a commercial airline with medical escort, AFD was tasked to arrange the same.

Being well versed in arranging commercial escorts worldwide, AFD’s team started the process by obtaining medical clearance from the commercial carrier that would take the patient, his wife and AFD’smedical escort back to Canada. AFD also purchased the tickets, arranged for ground ambulance and wheelchair assistance throughout the trip, and coordinated his arrival back home.

An in-person pre-flight assessment was performed by AFD’s medical escort prior to the flight to assure that the patient was sufficiently stable and well informed about all steps of the trip.

The repatriation went very well, the patient remained stable and was comfortable at all times. Upon arrival in Ottawa, the AMREF Flying Doctor’s team escorted the patient and his wife to his residence and returned to Nairobi the day after.

Another successful case and mission done by AMREF Flying Doctors – who are equipped for all kind of assistance and aero-medical needs in Africa. Due to AFD’s deep understanding of the circumstances and longstanding experience in providing medical services and assistance in Africa, AFD’s team could support the client on every step of the way. From the first medical information, followed by the initial aeromedical transport to the nearest centre of excellence, covering the costs in all hospitals, to the commercial medical escort that brought the patient home AMREF Flying Doctors was always there for the patient, while helping the insurer to fulfil the obligations towards his client in the best way possible.

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