On Saturday 6, February 2021, AMREF Flying Doctors safely transported Yemeni conjoined twins to Jordan for specialized medical care. Using a specialized team and an air transport approved portable incubator, the challenging and delicate transfer was carried out successfully.

The boys who are conjoined by the rib cage and stomach, were born in Sana’a Yemen on December 17 last year at the Al-Sabeen Children’s Hospital.  Conjoined twins, also known as Siamese twins, are very rare with an estimated incidence of 1 in 200000 live births. Their medical condition required urgent highly specialized interventions which are beyond the capacity of the medical facilities in Yemen thus the need to move to Jordan.

The doctors in Yemen requested UNICEF to assist who in turn reached out to AMREF Flying Doctors to provide the air ambulance service. Despite being a delicate case in a challenging active conflict zone, AMREF Flying Doctors provided high standards of professional care in a medical transport of unique nature for a safe and successful transfer.

We are proud to have been of service!
