On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, AMREF Flying Doctors conducted two Charity Evacuations of patients who were injured after a bus they were travelling in was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Koromey, Mandera County.

At least five people were killed and several others injured when the bus travelling from Lafey to Mandera Town, ran on the IED on Arabia Road, which was suspected to be an Al Shabaab militant attack.

On Wednesday evening, AMREF Flying Doctors flew the survivors to Nairobi, Kenya, for medical treatment. In order to provide the specialized medical attention that the patients required, the Mandera District Hospital, in collaboration with the Mandera County Government, requested AMREF Flying Doctors to assist with the evacuation of the patients to Nairobi for advanced treatment.

AMREF Flying Doctors, Africa’s leading air ambulance service provider, regularly provides charity evacuation services in exceptional circumstances, targetting patients in critical medical conditions who cannot bear the cost of critical air transfer.

These charity evacuation services include regular missions undertaken on behalf of the Government of Kenya through The Kenya National Disaster Operation Centre (NDOC).

Wishing the casualties a speedy recovery.