Case Study: AMREF Flying Doctors

A dedicated humanitarian charity out to save lives

AMREF Flying Doctors’ detail an urgent emergency aeromedical evacuation of two patients suffering from gunshot wounds following an attack in a sparsely populated area

Access to medical care can be expensive and challenging, especially in third-world countries. Sir Michael Wood, Archibald McIndoe, and Thomas Rees, Founders of AMREF, identified this gap in East Africa in 1957 and began health care projects for people in rural and remote areas. Over 60 years later, AMREF Flying Doctors, a subsidiary of Amref Health Africa, remains committed to providing a wide range of medical services, medical assistance services, and Emergency Life Support skills training.
AMREF Flying Doctors invests in evacuating patients in Kenya who need urgent medical attention but cannot afford it, such as those involved in road traffic accidents, pregnancy and birth complications, and inter-tribal wars. We also conduct regular missions on behalf of the Government of Kenya through the Kenya National Disaster Operation Centre (NDOC).
These charity missions are carried out under exceptional circumstances in partnership with the county government, rural medical facilities, Kenyatta National Hospital (Kenya’s largest referral hospital), and other private medical institutions.
Over its years, this humanitarian project has seen tremendous impact in various communities, evident in the number of charity missions completed.
On 14 June 2022, the AMREF Flying Doctors’ Emergency and Control Centre received a from Marsabit requesting an urgent emergency aeromedical evacuation of two patients suffering from gunshot wounds following an attack on three vehicles near Marsabit along the Marsabit-Moyale Highway. Marsabit is a semi-arid region in northern Kenya, bordering Ethiopia to the north. Medical facilities are sparsely populated and inadequately equipped.
To provide the critically ill patient with the degree of care they required, they needed to be medically evacuated from the location to a hospital with the necessary resources and medical professionals. The two casualties’ cases were evaluated, and the decision was made to evacuate them from Marsabit to Nairobi.
The call conveyed that the casualties sustained gunshot wounds, with bullets still lodged on their bodies. In most cases, every gunshot wound represents a serious injury, especially in an ill-equipped medical facility. As a result, a crew was immediately assembled.
AMREF Flying Doctors quickly began coordinating the emergency evacuation to ensure the patients were transported safely to the treating hospital in Nairobi for specialised care. While our medical personnel reviewed the patients’ medical records in preparation for flight, the coordinator coordinated the patients’ hospitalisation at the receiving hospital.
In one hours’ time, the team had safely landed in Marsabit airstrip. The team began assembling the equipment on the ground as they waited for the ambulance, which arrived later than expected. Finally, the injured were brought to the airstrip in an ambulance. They were stabilised and were safely and securely aboard the air ambulance.
They were all stable enough to fly to Nairobi for specialised treatment.
Take-off time was 18:50 hrs preceding a smooth one-hour flight, after which we landed in Nairobi at 19:55 hrs. They were taken to the treating hospital by the Advanced Life Support Ground Ambulance.
Throughout the entire mission, AMREF Flying Doctors’ highest priorities were keeping the patient comfortable and maintaining constant communication with all parties involved, including the patients’ families. Thanks to this coordinated effort, the team planned and executed this emergency evacuation, bringing the patients successfully to life-saving care.


Shortly after the first contact, AFD was able to confirm that the patient held valid insurance and coverage and started making arrangements for the patient to be transported in a more adequate facility. It was determined that a transport to Nairobi, Kenya, was the best option for better medical access, as well as for organising the patient’s repatriation home. Quotes for the evacuation to Nairobi via Air Ambulance were obtained and the flight done by the AFD Team was confirmed for the following day at first light, as Arusha Airstrip is a daylight operation only.

Whilst AMREF Flying Doctor’s aircraft was on the way to Arusha, the hospital bill was settled, and the patient was prepared for transport. Upon arrival, AFD’s team picked up the patient from the hospital as per AFD’s policy of bed-to-bed-service, to assure seamless treatment and monitoring throughout the transfer.

As Nairobi had not been a planned destination for the patient or his wife, AMREF Flying Doctor’s team assisted with several services, such as placing a payment guarantee at the hospital, obtaining a phone SIM card for the patient’s wife, and arranging a hotel for her near to her husband’s hospital.

The patient remained in hospital for 24 days, during which he underwent various tests and investigations, had a surgical intervention for the fractures, and underwent physiotherapy. AFD’s medical team continued to monitor his progress, and when the patient was eventually declared fit to fly on a commercial airline with medical escort, AFD was tasked to arrange the same.

Being well versed in arranging commercial escorts worldwide, AFD’s team started the process by obtaining medical clearance from the commercial carrier that would take the patient, his wife and AFD’smedical escort back to Canada. AFD also purchased the tickets, arranged for ground ambulance and wheelchair assistance throughout the trip, and coordinated his arrival back home.

An in-person pre-flight assessment was performed by AFD’s medical escort prior to the flight to assure that the patient was sufficiently stable and well informed about all steps of the trip.

The repatriation went very well, the patient remained stable and was comfortable at all times. Upon arrival in Ottawa, the AMREF Flying Doctor’s team escorted the patient and his wife to his residence and returned to Nairobi the day after.

Another successful case and mission done by AMREF Flying Doctors – who are equipped for all kind of assistance and aero-medical needs in Africa. Due to AFD’s deep understanding of the circumstances and longstanding experience in providing medical services and assistance in Africa, AFD’s team could support the client on every step of the way. From the first medical information, followed by the initial aeromedical transport to the nearest centre of excellence, covering the costs in all hospitals, to the commercial medical escort that brought the patient home AMREF Flying Doctors was always there for the patient, while helping the insurer to fulfil the obligations towards his client in the best way possible.

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